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वर्ग चर्चा:ध्वनिशास्त्र

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विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून

ध्वनिशास्त्र is perfect translation of Acoustics but in Acoustics branch of physics not only sound but all sorts of vibration modes are studied (e.g. vibration modes of a string which do not produce any sound). When the study started at that time it was probably limited to sounds but now it has expanded to all sort of mechanical waves and the meaning of word accoustics has undergone transformation in science. (On wiki english one can see this: Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of sound, ultrasound and infrasound (all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids) ). For this reason word ध्वनिशास्त्र doesn't seem to reflect these new meanings. Hence I initially put it as 'कंपन व ध्वनिशास्त्र'. Now I am thinking of putting it as translation of 'mechanical wave mechanics'. I have 'लहर यांत्रिकी' in my mind. Could you please put forward your opinions on this? अनिकेत जोगळेकर १६:०१, २८ जुलै २०१० (UTC)